by Butch
on February 20, 2022
Then: “John is crazy!” “Jesus is a drunk!” The Pharisees rejected God’s righteousness in whatever form it came. (Luke 7:31-35) John the Baptist was like a hermit and Jesus was very social. Now: “Those Christians are too exclusive! (or mean!)” “Those Christians are hypocrites!” If the Bible proves anything, it proves people need more than [...]
by Butch
on February 13, 2022
The Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) points out something that might trouble many of us. There are no excuses. In this parable, the master goes away on a journey and leaves three servants an amount of money (or talents as it is written) “each according to his ability.” (Matthew 25:15) Two made good profits [...]
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by Butch
on February 6, 2022
As Jehoshaphat was watching the enemy amass themselves against him, he turned to God in prayer (2 Chronicles 20). He was in a period where he was leading well and teaching his people to fear God, so God obliterated the enemy. Jehoshaphat was always either hot or cold in his relationship with the Lord during [...]
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